“I’m never sure what I’m going to be, from one minute to another!”
そのなかのチェシャ猫のセリフで、“I’m never sure what I’m going to be, from one minute to another!(自分が次の瞬間に何になるかなんて、決してわからない!)”というセリフがあります。



今年の5月まで留学していた米・ジョンズホプキンス大学で受けたWilliam Connolly氏という人の政治哲学の授業で、今までにない衝撃を受けました。

最後に、私の好きな絵を紹介します。ベルギーの画家、ルネ・マグリットの『終わりなき認識 La reconnaissance infinie』という絵です。

「Girls Be Ambitious!こんな私も東大女子」はコンテンツを募集しています!
(English Ver.)
“I’m never sure what I’m going to be, from one minute to another!”
To begin with, my favorite book is “Alice in Wonderland”, a book probably a lot of you know. The Disney film version is nice as well but I prefer the original story written by Lewis Carroll in 1865. It is such an insightful book full of questions on philosophy, language, time…etc. I first read it when I was 14 and was immediately captured by it.
In the story, there’s a scene where the Cheshire cat says:
“I’m never sure what I’m going to be, from one minute to another!”
This is so true, we keep changing from one minute to another, and that is something I find simply fascinating.

Spending 1 year in Germany
When I was 16, while enjoying my life a lot at high school in Japan, I felt a sense of emptiness and suddenly wanted to go somewhere I had never been to before and knew no one living there. That turned out to be a little village in former Eastern Germany with a population of 400. I was living with a priest’s family in front of a medieval church.

The way people think, talk or even walk, the way time flows… each bit of life was so different from what I had been used to, that my values were (surprisingly easily) shaken and torn down, and this experience made me think for the first time, what it meant to be “myself”. Who I am? Just a bunch of values that are never absolute?
In a letter I wrote to my family at the end of my stay, I said
“I don’t see the point anymore in struggling so much to get into a good university in Japan. I am happy to live here for the rest of my life, surrounded by fruit trees and lovely animals”.

How fragile our values are…
Time back in Japan obviously cured and “neutralized” my critical views on Japan’s society and educational system, and I ended up setting the entrance exams for university as all my friends did.
But ever since I began to question the confidence people seemed to place in their own views and thoughts. That questioning took place in many daily scenes: how the news is covered, how a book is written, or how people simply talk to each other.
Of course, we need to have some sort of our own opinion and thought in order to “properly” live in a society and in order to classify and judge things and experiences in ways that are comprehensible to us.
However, I find it good, or rather necessary (though I don’t want to insist too much), that we always keep an open path in the process of building ourselves, where fresh air can find its way through. And when you take a step back and view the world around you with this slightly more relaxed state of mind, you will probably see how abundant this world is with little moments that can tilt your way of thinking and feeling.
This world is a huge book, movie, a poem and a documentary film!
For example, documentary films on TV are amazing. NHK films cover such a wide range of topics: from the near future of a data-centric society to the number of coincidences that lead to the invention of glass, from the discovery of a new virus to the aesthetic sense instilled into a piece of poetry…. Every episode, whatever genre it is, slightly influences the way I see the world around me.
It’s the same when I’m talking with my friends, whether they are working in a company or doing research at graduate school. Some would tell me about the struggles and challenges in society that can only be seen by working inside a company, others would fascinate me with a world of art or theory they present with passion.
And of course, the world is equally abundant when you’re alone as well. The scenery you see from the window of the train, the ring of the bell at a Japanese temple, or even the water drops that trickle down a piece of leaf after rain…each of these random little experiences seem to blow into me some fresh air and give me a hint for whatever I am thinking at that moment, whether it’s a piece of political news or a chapter of a book I’m reading, or my plans for the weekend.
I could spend hours thinking of ways to connect these scattered experiences and to draw an imaginary map in my mind. I love this moment, and that’s when I’m so grateful that I was born as a human being, an animal that can “think”.
So what do I want to do?
Right now I’m studying International Politics and Political Theory at my university. But what I want to do in the long run is to somehow illuminate the aspects in politics that cannot necessarily be “explained” by an overarching theory. I want to find a way that I can bring into politics, the little surprises and shocks we get from experiences in our every day life.
At Johns Hopkins University, where I was studying for a year until this May, I took a class by Professor William Connolly, a class that has truly changed my life. By digging into Ancient Greek tragedy to Modern Nietzschean philosophy, the theory of time, space and even that of extinction, we discussed how one’s “thoughts” or “beliefs” are created at multiple levels, flowing in and out each other in accidental ways.
This relates to various themes: the temptation to search for a single source of evil that flowed beneath the thoughts of people in the US after 9.11, the ways in which the approach of a new planet or some genetic mutation may influence people’s views on the world or politics, and what for a “pluralistic” society Nietzsche may be suggesting in “Zarathustra”…etc.
This field, which goes far beyond the “explanatory” approaches in politics, is too attractive and inspiring for me to distance myself from that easily 🙂

After all, I want to stay open minded!
Now I am at the stage of considering where and what I want to study in the near future, but whatever that may be, I always want to stay open minded.
During the summer, I participated in a summer program on international organizations in Geneva, and did some internships at refugee support organizations in Berlin. These had again very different impacts on me, and right now I am trying to digest and work upon those experiences.
Whatever I end up doing, I wish, from the bottom of my heart, that I can always keep myself open to different people in different fields, with very different principles and different values.
In closing, this is one of my favorite works of art: “The Infinite Recognition, La reconnaissance infinie” by Rene Magritte.
I see it as a man standing on the only point of a globe he could possibly stand on, and looking down upon the world around him. He can slip down the globe anytime, and his whole worldview may be overthrown, but does he know that?
Every point seems flat and stable when you stand on it, but it’s after all just one point on a huge globe.
I hope I can always recognize that I’m standing on the curves of a globe that are much more slippery than they seem.
Thank you so much, Naomi;)
You are always inspiring. Keep on being yourself while always open to new worlds!
I’m sure we can make our own effort in order to make the world better place no matter where we are.