当時私はイギリスでErin(You want something, go get it. Period. 留学生Erinが内に秘めいていた思いとは?) と同じくアイデンティティ・クライシスに陥っていたため、日本の大学に通いたかったのです。日本の大学で英語で環境学が学べる条件を満たしたのが東大のPEAKでした。
Girls Be Ambitious!
私と同時期に入学したPEAK生は23人中19人が女子。生態学の研究室も過半数が女性。そして高校はイギリスの女子校。こんな環境にいたからか、女だから何かができないと思ったことはありません。しかしKomaba Writer’s Studio(東大前期課程の学生の英語力アップを助ける施設)のランチタイムディスカションを通して、「女子だから」が理由で志望校を変えたり、からかわれたりする子が本当にいるのだと知りました。
研究室の卒業生写真に「Watashi Wa Wakuwaku Wo Wasurezu Hibi-sugosu」という私流5W1Hを急に思い立ってノリで書いちゃったのですが、やっぱりワクワクは大事なので、これからもワクワク感じることをしていきたいと思います。
「Girls Be Ambitious!」は企画・コンテンツ・ライターを募集しています!
Firstly, Aoi, apologies for making you wait for so long! (It’s totally fine! by Aoi)
It took me quite a while to write this article because I thought that I wouldn’t be able to graduate this autumn… Well the university let me graduate, so with gratitude to UTokyo, I embedded some advertisements about the great facilities and programmes this uni has 😉
Why did I come to UTokyo?
Since the day I (aged 11) wailed reading Severn Cullis Suzuki’s speech at the UN Earth Summit 1992, I decided to become an adult that solves environmental problems.
At school I joined the eco club and such but that didn’t feel enough. I believed that I needed more knowledge to help the environment in a bigger way, so I decided to study environmental science at university.
I chose UTokyo because having lived out of Japan for most of my life, I had an identity crisis (like Erin) and wanted to learn more about my home country. UTokyo PEAK was probably the only program where I could study environmental science in English at a Japanese university.
The Experience which made my dream clear
While I was studying abroad in Chile (using the University-wide Student Exchange Programme), there was a time when the Santiago (capital) city center was inundated and the power and water was cut off from just a day of normal (in Japanese standards) rainfall. Flooding occurs almost every year in this city and I felt that it was such a shame that such weather was not considered when developing the city considering how usually, Santiago was so convenient and comfortable.
Also, I was a volunteer to build a new chapel in replacement of a chapel that was destroyed by an earthquake in 2015. The new chapel was beautiful and all but when I heard that a student made the blue print and that the blueprint wasn’t submitted to any authorities or professionals, I was afraid that the new chapel would also crush in a future earthquake.
From these experiences in Chile, I started to think that I’d like to make infrastructure that is good for the local people and environment. I don’t have knowledge in civil engineering and maths is not my strong points, but from next April, I’ll start working in a construction consultant company.
Message ‘Girls Be Ambitious!’
Out of 23 students who entered PEAK in the same year as me, 19 were female. Also, over half the students in my lab were female and I attended an all girl’s high school. From such a female dominant background, I never thought that I couldn’t do something because I’m a girl. However, through lunch time discussions at Komaba Writer’s Studio, I realised that there are people who make decisions considering that they are women.
If you ever hesitate thinking “because I’m a girl”, why not think “Is this something that’s waku waku (exciting, making you heart beat faster and your body feel lighter)?”
If it does, let’s go for it!
「Girls Be Ambitious!こんな私も東大女子」はコンテンツを募集しています!